Monday, 29 March 2010

my thoughts

having watched the film and thought about my concept i am interested in looking at how the simplicity of a feral child's communication (meaning lack of it) becomes such a complexity. As humans our language and communication abilities have evolved from grunts and simple hand gestures to the complex vocabulary and vast range of languages and "native like" accents we know and speak today. Technological advances and cultural changes still help to evolve our current language with words such as computer and airplane that never existed thousands of years ago. Also slang words such as minger and chillax, which have been invented by youth cultures. This evolution of our vocabulary has brought us so far removed from the communication skills we possessed as primitive man that when presented with it in the form of a feral child we no longer understand their simplicity. Also with the fact that our current communication skills are so advanced it makes it impossible for a person who has been isolated from it during the 'critical period' to ever fully learn, therefore leaving them unable to ever fully communicate with other people. This i feel would create a great sense of loneliness, isolation and fragility in anyone in this position.

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