Thursday, 11 March 2010

Subtraction cutting workskop

images from

Yesterday we did a subtraction cutting workshop, a method developed by designer Julian Roberts. Prior to the workshop i decided to read up on the method, Initially i was a bit confused and thought that it was going to be an over-complicated form of pattern cutting that would achieve the same or a similar result as more traditional cutting techniques so went into the workshop feeling a bit skeptical. Once the method was explained a bit more it became clearer that it was a completley different way of working but i was however still unsure of how it actually worked and what the benefits would be. It wasnt until i watched the demonstration and actually gave the method a go myself that i realised how different it was. I found it to be a very quick method. I liked the freedom involved as this gave it a more creative feeling. It also allows for a great deal of experimentation as you never really know what the final outcome will be. I really enjoyed the workshop and felt that it really helped to give me an insight into this way of cutting. It has also inspired me to consider thinking about using more creative cutting methods for my project which i will try to include in my design work.

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